
About Olympics and Awe: A Journey Through Human Potential

Right now, what’s alive for me is the Olympics! I’ve never been a big fan, but it’s been growing on me this time, and I’ve been watching some events through the lens of the book Awe. Just minutes ago, I found myself in tears watching this and this. It’s fascinating how moments like the Olympics can evoke such profound feelings of awe and connection. When you’re watching events like the Olympics, you’re witnessing human potential at its peak—athletes pushing their limits, demonstrating incredible skill, and often overcoming tremendous odds. These moments can inspire a profound sense of awe. The book "Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life" by Dacher Keltner explores how awe plays a critical role in our well-being.

About  Racism and Awe: Finding Solidarity and Hope

Summer has been so sweet the last few days, the warmth of the sun, the soothing embrace of the lake's cool waters, and the peaceful sound of the crickets. These moments make me nostalgic, reminding me of my homeland which I miss dearly. However, the news from around the world and the UK has been mostly depressing, especially with the recent riots. I remember when I first moved to the UK; there was a person who used to give me mean looks at my workplace and also made a couple of comments that I couldn’t fully register at the time due to my naivety. In retrospect, I realised it was because I was an immigrant. This was a rare occasion for me as I often encounter people who are welcoming and interested in my heritage - though there have been comments like, 'Ooo, exotic,' after hearing about my nationality, which I wasn’t quite sure how to interpret! 

As I was sitting with my colleagues in a circle, this story came up for me, and I shared my upset and shock about what was happening in the UK lately. That night, I spoke with a friend who had attended a Zoom call with 100 others, all preparing to flood the streets of Bristol in solidarity and resistance—not to fight, but to stand up against racism. The next day, we witnessed the incredible solidarity from people across the UK on the streets, outnumbering the racist groups many times over. I was in awe, again. A prayer surfaced from deep within me: that this solidarity extends across the world, so we stand up for all humans and more-than-humans alike. I believe that our connection with ourselves and nature cannot be separated from our humanity, as we are, indeed, part of nature.


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