What I love, what I do
Several years ago when I participated in the Journey programme Embercombe I said to Mac 'I think I found what I love most deeply and profoundly in life... it is The Journey. Everyone laughed at the time. I don't know if they realised how serious I was. Whether they did or not I later proved my sincerity by the way I showed up at every Journey that I could attend to support the team.
Mac talks about "When your love gets greater than your fear.." Today if I'm able to do what I'm doing at the Journey programme as a facilitator it is because I love and believe in this work full-heartedly. That's why each time I was invited to speak up or step up I was terrified but I said yes anyway because my heart was utterly in it and there never seemed to be another way.
Such an honour to be co-facilitating the Journey programme alongside with Mac Macartney whose wisdom, humility and humour always inspires me.
I hope you can also experience this rich experience into connecting, deepening and expanding.
With love x
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